About Me

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I am a Mom, Wife and Daughter. Say road trip and I am all ready in the car. I do love to stay home too. I am either reading, sewing, crocheting, doing something with paper or taking care of my family at any given moment.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday February 7, 2012 The Implosion That Is My Basement

I am trying to keep up with my photo a day project.... It was too cold and snowy to go for a walk yesterday so here is my basement.... It is worse in the pictures I think... But maybe I am just used to it. I hope that putting it out there for the world to see will inspire me to get it cleaned up more quickly. If you ever need a piece of fabric, a bit of yarn or any other craft material you can think of it is here somewhere... We are a crafty bunch... I am just not very neat about it!
All of the above is my fault....
These last three photos show Gaela and Pat's areas.

1 comment:

  1. Connie, Connie, Connie LOL. I spy with my little eye........a cat LOL!
