About Me

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I am a Mom, Wife and Daughter. Say road trip and I am all ready in the car. I do love to stay home too. I am either reading, sewing, crocheting, doing something with paper or taking care of my family at any given moment.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

We received lots of packages in the mail yesterday. Two of them were Christmas gifts for the girls from my Mother-In-Law. I opened the boxes smoothed out the newspapers from Philadelphia so my Husband could read about home and put the packages under the tree. I heard an odd noise this morning and found Cadillac, one of the cats, chewing and clawing his way into a gift bag of clothing???? He is more weird than most cats anyway.. But really?? The last time any of the boys messed with things under the tree it was our old rabbit, Pepper, who had an affair with a wrapped leather purse there. My children and the cats make me smile every day. I hope this story makes you smile too.

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