About Me

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I am a Mom, Wife and Daughter. Say road trip and I am all ready in the car. I do love to stay home too. I am either reading, sewing, crocheting, doing something with paper or taking care of my family at any given moment.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hungry Young Woodchucks

I had just put bird seed out on the patio....This cute pair even beat the squirrels to the seeds. These guys were happy chowing down until.... The guy on the left got too close and there was a stare down with some squeaking involved. Then it was back to chowing down. And chowing down some more... Until the guy on the left.... Got thirsty.. He excused himself.... And got a drink from the pond.... And then it was back for more seeds Is that my Mom calling? OK Mom I'm coming..... After one more bite. I thought he'd never leave.... Now I can eat in peace till my manicure appointment. Do you see the claws on this baby?


  1. Great photos! We don't have woodchucks in this part of the country, so it's fun to get an up-close-and-personal look at this furry critters!

  2. I want one! They look so dangerously cuddly with those claws.
