About Me

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I am a Mom, Wife and Daughter. Say road trip and I am all ready in the car. I do love to stay home too. I am either reading, sewing, crocheting, doing something with paper or taking care of my family at any given moment.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Look what they threw out this week

These 3 cement planters weigh a ton. I managed to get them in the car and then into the driveway OK but couldn't lift them again. I may never be able to lift again. My daughter's boyfriend lined them up in the back yard for me. They are stunning! Can't wait to plant them.

Professional cookbooks. I am donating them to the library.

1 comment:

  1. Those planters are SO gorgeous!! I love the story behind them!

    Oh, and your daughter is gorgeous! I can't believe that dress is from the Salvation Army! Gorgeous!
